The Science Behind Giving Gifts

The act of exchanging presents may seem simple at first glance, but for many people, it is a source of worry and anxiety. You can tell a lot about the receiver and your connection with them based on the gift you give them. And if your significant other places high importance on receiving presents, failing to give them one might strain your relationship. They may consider gift-giving to be their primary form of expression of affection.

Here at, we’ve got some experience with presents. Giftster is used by hundreds of thousands of families every day, allowing us to observe patterns, get insights, and assist with a wide variety of gift-giving challenges.

To improve relationships

One approach to demonstrating one’s familiarity with another is with a gift. Helping a person out when they’re in a bind is a powerful way to show you care. The appropriate present, together with a sincere apology, may sometimes make up for wrongdoing. The people I feel the most distant from, or the people I know cherish presents the most, are the ones to whom I devote the most effort while shopping for a present.

But on the other hand, not everyone appreciates a present. Respect the wishes of any loved one who has repeatedly expressed a desire not to accept holiday presents (even if it might go against your own traditions around giving). Even though helping them out would make you feel good, it may end up harming your connection with them.

To make others smile

To make my three-year-old daughter happy, I frequently present her with presents. A child’s expression is priceless when they finally get their hands on a toy they’ve been wanting. You can’t put a price on that expression.

To feel good about ourselves

Being generous improves our mood. According to two studies, charitable acts may have a positive impact on one’s outlook on life and level of contentment.

On the other hand, someone with a competitive temperament can try to “one-up” a sibling, coworker, or spouse via gift-giving. Having the satisfaction of knowing you provided the greatest present possible might have the same effect.